Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fist to Heaven

" 'God will help us soon now, won't He?'

'You silly little thing. Don't you know that we must not settle what God is to do for us? We must have patience and wait His time.' "

from The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss.


God has a plan. The Plan, you could call it. It's the Plan of the universe, of existence, it is all that has happened and is to come. The Creator has set everything into motion, He knows where it will go, and since He is God, it will go there.

They will say this is comforting. Knowing that your good God has a plan for you, do you not feel reassured? Do you not feel safe and secure? Your future will be what God has planned for you, no matter what.

That's right. It doesn't matter what you do, or who you are. God's plan for you WILL come to pass, because God's Plan will come to pass.

Yes, whoever you are, I assure you, believe these words. Even if you are a homeless refugee, even if you are an abused child, a victim of rape, a homosexual, a woman-trapped-in-a-man's-body, even a bastard child or an aborted fetus; no matter who you are, God's plan for you is at work.

Yes! Even if you die a pointless useless death and live a pointless useless life, be assured and be satisfied, for God's plan for you was fulfilled!

Oh and do not bother your little mind about the what-ifs and whys. It is absurd to consider these things, because faith in your God is all you need. You cannot see the big picture, no matter how hard you try, so patiently wait for Him to reveal it to you in His time.



I raise my fist to heaven.


James Low said...

That's a rhetorical piece. And I'm pretty convinced, whether it's true or false. But to link it to the fist in the end, it sounds quiet weird and the impact isn't really there. Haha...just my opinion.

Pork Bun Man said...

Haha mmm yeah it's non-fiction, it's just my thoughts.

Hmm well what does a clenched fist represent?

It can represent enmity, defiance, readiness maybe...

realhumangirl said...

I'm gonna do a fictional piece based on the same sorta thing you wrote, Jar.