Monday, March 8, 2010

1st PAK

I sent my brother and 3 of his friends all the way to IKEA, the one near One U which is so far! With no other reason for going there. FYI, I have never sent anyone anywhere without some other ulterior motive. I just feel like it's inefficient, to go on a round trip just to drop someone off. Well, I guess my ulterior motive this time was to do kind acts.

I was slightly afraid that I would feel like a faker, because I am not a nice person, or so I thought. But since I did a Nice Thing, with the only motive being that I Want to Be a Nice Person, am I not being a nice person genuinely? Who's to say who I am, anyway? If I am one thing now, can I not be another the next moment, if I genuinely wanted to be?


Let me tell you why I think girls like bad boys. Because boys are all actually bad. We're all asses underneath. Any guy who is nice, is pretending to be nice. Trying to be nice. And while girls say they want a gentleman, they know deep down that gentlemen, are by definition, fakers. So since we all love honesty, and the only truly honest ones are the bad boys, girls like bad boys.

QED. Quite easily done.

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