Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Communism, Piracy, Child-Upbringing and Open Relationships (FWB)...Random conversation with Joseph

Yesterday I was defending piracy against Joseph, who is nice to talk to. These are some of the points I remember...

How is piracy wrong? I asked. It is just someone sharing something... Indeed, I would say that those who presume to exploit others for what should belong to all are the evil ones...

In the past, knowledge was freely shared, and stories and songs belonged to everyone. Who realized that if they claimed ownership on something, they could charge others for what should belong to all?

Yes, I'm a communist. Marxism is not wrong, merely executed imperfectly so far. Capitalism is most definitely not natural, nor the best course for humanity.

Do you know that the Israelites were a communist community in some ways? Every 7th year, debts were canceled. Every 50th year, land was redistributed. But their ruling system is more accurately, a theocracy, where God is in complete control. And that is the problem with communism thus far. There has been no perfect, incorruptible dictator to head a nation.


When did we start claiming authorship over our thoughts and ideas? When was intellectual property first claimed by individuals instead of shared with the community? When did we start judging an idea, a thought, a song, based on its origin?

Joseph seemed to go off in a tangent. He said would you follow a command from God if it didn't make sense? And I said, Yes, I would think it would make sense later. And the he said "Aaah" and I realized that I had just admitted to judging something based on its origin.

But then I said, God is God, and none of us are infallible, unlike Him. Thus, the ONLY time it is right to judge something based on its origin, is when that thing is from God. In every other case, the thing would have to be judged based on what it is... and not where it came from...

I did admit, however, that origin can be useful in judgment, however it cannot be the only criteria considered, or even the one prioritized...

Somehow parenting was brought into this discussion. I told Joseph that I would not want my child to judge anything based on its origin, indeed, since I am not God, and certainly not infallible, I want my children to be able to think for themselves and make judgments based on knowledge instead of following my orders "because I said so"... and to do that, they would have to have knowledge...Instead of telling my children, "No, you cannot have a cookie" I would tell them "No, you cannot have a cookie because..." And I would sit there till they understand.

But children don't know, can't understand? No, I think you underestimate children. I may be wrong. We'll see.


We talked about open relationships too.

But first, you need to know my stand on relationships. I think that the reason people get hurt in relationships is because of false expectations, broken promises and commitments. I do not want to hurt anyone, especially someone I love, so I decided, unless I am willing to commit forever, I won't commit at all.

So when you are attracted to someone, don't tell them, right? Just be friends and get to know the person better for 2-3 years... No!... If someone does something good you say "good job". If someone is really interesting, nice to talk to and be with, and is also very very cute... you tell him/her.

The consequences vary... but so far, no one has started avoiding me, and, in different ways, I've become closer to them. Friendship, and intimacy, always increases...

"So basically you're supporting open relationships," said Joseph.

If you put it like that, I guess I do.

We talked a lot more, on these, and some other topics. But I have an exam at 8 in the morning tomorrow.

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