Monday, July 20, 2009

It's the first day of classes. I had an Awesome day.

I was going to blog about my really interesting subjects and my really boring lecturers, and how I feel so good because I did everything I set out to do today, but I got lazy. Hehe.


Haha I'm editing it now. But I'm lazy so it's gonna be kinda incoherent and in bad english unlike the rest of my posts which are all really great. =p Man I can't believe I got lazy to blog so quick...

Ok I had breakfast at KFC, which is awesome the AM twister is awesome. But the drinks machine was rosak and there were lumps of milk powder in my tea that refused to be stirred away. Ooo and there was some sort of employee training going on it was a good show, good show.

Then I went to uni with my sister, and I had no idea what class I was going for cause I only wrote down the venue but not the class... And oh dear I was greeted by none other than the boringest lecturer in Monash.... it's really really not how I want to start my Monday mornings...
The class was Social and Cognitive psychology. And it's SUPER interesting. But I kept falling asleep. Trust me, this guy is the boringest lecturer in Monash. How boring? OK, I'll describe this subject to you, and you will have to admit that anyone that can make it boring has to be the boringest lecturer in Monash.

Psychology is the study of human behavior, and social psychology is about the study of human behavior in social situations and relationships between individuals (e.g. romance/ friendships) and groups (e.g. races/genders)... cognitive psychology is about what goes on inside people, in their heads and how their views affect their behavior... So in this unit, we're gonna learn and discuss about how the way we think and see the world (cognition) affects the way we behave in social situations!! ISN'T THAT COOL?

OK after two hours of boringness... I went for my next class... And when the lecturer walked in, my friend beside me was all NOOOOOO this is the boringest lecturer in monash and I was like heheheh you don't know the half of it... BUT BUT BUT my friend was RIGHT!! oh my gawd this guy just stole the boringest lecturer in monash award I tell you... Anyway, the subject is really interesting too. It's media texts.

Media texts is basically ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you see around you that conveys a message. Books, newspaper, TV, films, internet, billboards, flyers. Yep. Well the first lecture was about the idea that media texts aren't just a reflection of reality. They actually CONSTRUCT our reality. Because, reality is created in our mind. Reality is what we perceive. What is reality to you is not reality to me.

There's this example in my reading... OH and the reader (textbook) is as thick as a phonebook K. sick. can kill ppl one.... OK the example... there's this judge from cameroon who did not allow a woman to claim property, because he said "women are property. how can property own property?" That's his reality... Basically... our reality is affected by how we perceive things, and our worldview and our knowledge. And how is our knowledge of the world built? From the information we receive which we get from media texts!... I know I didn't explain it so well... but.. It's really interesting ok. Yeah and this lecturer made it boring.... He was talking about ideology (which means "a way of thinking and looking at the world") and marxism... And he was all "this is not the right time to talk about marxism..." And then he spends the next 30 minutes droning on about it. In an uninteresting way.

OK I fell asleep many times in both lectures... But after they were done I went and read my books and I found out that my subjects this semester are so interesting.

Oh yeah this is why I had an awesome day: I did everything I wanted to do. And more.

The 4 things I promised myself to do: Study, Swim, Exercise and Chores.

OK so after class I had to wait for my sis to finish class so I was in the library and I studied. Yeah I studied and I did not go to cybercafe to play cod4. Yay!

When I got home I straightaway cleaned the floor. which is my chore. Hehe. Yay!

While I was cleaning the floor, in between rooms, I did pullups and pushups and situps! I'm sexy.

And then I played suddenattack (which is really funny and has bad english) and I was awesome. Yay!

ANd then I went for a swim with Nina and Fook. Whoo!

Then I went to the mamak and had dinner on my own, and read my book... and then I walked home the long way! So nice... So nice... I haven't had alone time in a while, I've been spending too much time with others, and this was really good... Yeah.

And now I'm back... And I'm so happy. Today was a good day. Hahaha. Happy, but never satisfied. Never satisfied.

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