Monday, May 31, 2010

I'm sooo fast du du du.

I've solved the mystery of the phantom vibrating handphone. You know, that phenomenon when you feel your handphone vibrate and you check it and wth there's nothing.

While I was eating my big and tasty Big N' Tasty (ho ho ho) my handphone vibrated! But omg I didn't even have it with me, I mean, I wasn't even wearing pants yo.

So yeah, I've realized, that it's your leg muscle that vibrates! One near the pocket area.


Alright. Noticed a distinct lack of posts recently? You see, my blog is a what's-on-my-mind-that's-worth-sharing type of blog, and obviously, I have not had much on my mind. I had many more deep and insightful thoughts last year, especially during that period when I could not walk.

I used to think, that the thing I would fear losing the most is my mind. Today, I realized, that if I lost my mind, I wouldn't really miss it. But if I went all Stephen Hawking, I'd go insane anyway. Shifting values dum de dum.



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