Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cough, cough, cough

So fine, I'm not Jared. I just hijacked his blog because I made mine invisible to the general public. I was afraid of being stalked, you see, which is really weird because normally, I'm the one who stalks. I don't get stalked.

But despite not having a blog anymore, I still feel this compulsive need to share my thoughts with the world. Call me narcissistic. I suppose I am. Even my paranoia stems from narcissism.

The only active blog I have now (yes, I had/have many) is my booklog, which I've only recently started and is not that personal. Plus my name isn't on it so even if people google my name, it won't turn up. Yes!!

I must admit though, that one of the things that I like best about blogging is the layout bit. I like finding the perfect layout for my blog. And then I like tweaking and customizing it till it's shaped into what I want it to be. Playing around with the codes and whatever, it's like writing poetry. I love Minima on Blogger.

It occurs to me suddenly that I can tweak Jared's blog. His only condition is that I keep the header image. :)

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