Thursday, January 14, 2010

Would you rather be a Lion or a Hippo?

The Lion is so strong and cool, and majestic too, of course everyone would rather be a Lion, right? But... little birds don't rest on the Lion's fangs.

Yeah, manga inspires me so much. I just finished reading Zatch Bell! So awesome. But what am I going to do with my free time now?

Unu! Time to get even stronger! Two weeks has passed and I've exercised everyday. Time to up the "discipline". Starting tomorrow I'm going to wake up at 6 everyday. Yeah.

I've started coaching my brother's high school basketball team. It's every Tuesday after school! Besides reading manga and books, and playing L4D2, I've not been doing anything else. Hmmm. Holidays. Hehe.

Blogging once a week is not so bad. My next posts will be the 2 Writer'sGroup topics I've not completed! I'll do them for sure. Yes I will.

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