Tuesday, September 14, 2010

3 Month Plan! (Sept 13th - Dec 13th)

This time it allows gym. I went yesterday, with Andrew, Daniel and Brandon. I pressed 95lbs, which is 44kg, which is only slightly higher than the average Japanese high school student's press, 40kg (according to the manga: EyeShield21).

Exercising with friends is definitely much much better than doing it alone for sure, but I was reminded how much I hate treadmills due to the hamster sensation. I got pretty sick of that Maybank that always stayed the exact same distance away from me. Anyway, the bounciness of running on the treadmill resulted in this conversation:

Jared: *Puuuuuut* Hey guys, sorry, I farted.
Guys: Arrrrghh *choke choke* AAA Aaaa
Jared: Muahahaha
Everyone: HeeHeeHohohooho
5 minutes of intense running later
Jared: *starts feeling relaxed* Hey! Hey guys! I think I got my SECOND WIND! *Phreeeeeet* Ooh?... SECOND WIND! Hahahhahahaha I farted AGAIN!

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